March 10, 2025
Square Enix Launches Pokemon Go (Among Others) Mobile Title To Android Devices

Square Enix Launches Pokemon Go (Among Others) Mobile Title To Android Devices

Square Enix Launches PokemonOver the past few years, Square Enix has really made a ‘go’ of things in the mobile gaming platform, literally.  The software company—known for titles like Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider for the Sony Playstation video game consoles—has launched mobile versions of some of their most beloved franchises. This includes a game called “Lara Croft Go” and “Hitman Go” for the Android mobile operating system.

Well, it looks like Square Enix is at again, but this time they are finally bringing to the public one of the most sought-after games in recent history. Yes, Square Enix has launched Pokemon Go, a new Android game that lets users/players hunt down Pokemon in the “real world” and then train them for battle.  It combines all of the most engaging content and technology in use today:  augmented reality, P2P gameplay, and character leveling up.

While the older Square Enix games for Android devices were simple, turn-based puzzle games, this is the first to really do something out of the box, so to speak.

But Square Enix has also launched another classic game for the Android mobile operating system: Final Fantasy VII; a game that helped to redefine the role-playing genre. The game has actually been out for a little longer than the just-released Pokemon Go, but you may not have realized it.  Yes, this is the full Android port of 1997’s FFVII, complete with all your favorite characters: Cloud Strife, Barret Wallace, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockheart, Cid Highwind, Yuffie Kisaragi, and more.

The Android version of one of the most beloved chapters in one of the most beloved franchises of all time brings the classic turn-based combat and captivating story to mobile devices for the very first time.  Since it is on a touch-screen device, though, the Android version offers two virtual touch control layouts and also gives you new difficulty and gameplay options; you can even use a Max Stats command to simply—and instantly—boost all your stats.

The Android version of Final Fantasy VII is a large one, though, requiring at least 4GB of space for the download (but only occupies 2GB of storage once installed). Also, it is on the pricier side of mobile gaming (though it is worth it as an updated port of the full game) for $15.99 on the Google Play Store.

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