March 11, 2025
Now get the bus and train times nearby your drop-off point through Uber

Now get the bus and train times nearby your drop-off point through Uber

At some point, we all have experienced that hustle of chasing a bus or train. Many of us take a cab to the railway station, but keeping tabs on forthcoming departure times for the train while riding in a cab just makes you toggle between the apps. So what can you do to make this a bit easy? Well, Uber and Transit together have come up with a solution for this.

Uber is all set to upgrade its Android app that will avail the users with departure times for trains and buses that are close by where a passenger will be dropped off. The public transit data is being unveiled in collaboration with the Transit app. At present, this new feature will be only available to the Android users after its launch. It would comprise 50 locations, including Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

When you are in an Uber cab and if your drop location has a nearby transit stop, the app will show you up the forthcoming departure times in the Uber feed. The time will be refreshed regularly so as to provide the user with the latest data right at their fingertips. Apart from this, if the users desire to learn more, they can just go to the Transit app with a single tap for the service disruption information, a-to-b directions, and more.

With this new approach the team hopes to offer:

  • A feasible substitute to personal car ownership as they can always get a ride whenever they want. And also, it is often less expensive to use several transit alternatives instead of owning a car.
  • Better linked cities, where individuals can simply access all localities including areas unprivileged by transit.
  • Decreased parking and traffic as carpooling and public transit can result in fewer cars on the street and less congestion.

Transit’s Chief Operating Officer, Jake Sion, said, “Our combination with Uber is a great match, as we both envisage a future in which each journey is shared with the use of a permutation of transit alternatives.” We can hope this feature to be soon rolled out for iOS too.

But this app will be only useful for users seeking for transit after their drop off from the ride, isn’t it?

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