March 12, 2025

Google Hopes to Get More Android Pay Support In UK with Android Pay Day Monthly Discounts

Android PayJust last month, Google launched the Android Pay program in the United Kingdom. This app, of course, is yet another digital payment system available to mobile users but designed to specifically for streamlined use on Android phones.  Now perhaps the Brits are not quiet ready for such an offering or maybe Apply Pay beat Google to the punch, but Google has also launched a new program designed to encourage—and even to incentivize—UK mobile users to try Android Pay.

The new program is called Android Pay Day and it is a monthly promotion that offers discounts for using Android Pay.  Simple, right?

Android Pay Day

The promotion begins today with an offer for two-for-one on Starbucks Frappucinos as well as 5 BPS off your first order from the popular online food delivery company Deliveroo.  If you have already ordered from Deliveroo, though, there is a 2.50 discount available, so you don’t feel left out.

Those who want to claim the Starbucks offer need only to pay with the Android Pay app at the register, showing the app to the cashier as you do so. To claim the Deliveroo deal you have to enter ANDROIDPAYS (for a new user) or ANDROIDPAY2.5 (for existing users) to get your respective discount at checkout.

This may sound all well and good, of course, but when you look at the discount and promotional offers that Android Pay users get in the United States it is unclear why the UK offerings are so limited. Perhaps it is just early in the game there and Google will continue to find more promotional partners who want to participate in the program.  And, perhaps, Google has more in store but are waiting to garner more consistent users in the United Kingdom before launching into a much larger program.

So, basically, if you live in the United Kingdom and you use an Android phone—and you want to take advantage of more offers like this—consider this a beta test and you are the tester and all you have to do is participate now to get better rewards later.  The offers are moderately attractive to most people and will likely yield the result Google is looking for.

And if and when it does succeed, you can expect to find better deals in the months to come.