March 9, 2025
Google and Facebook shake hands for the marine cable from Los Angeles to Hong Kong

Google and Facebook shake hands for the marine cable from Los Angeles to Hong Kong

Two internet giants’ Google and facebook will be working together on forecasted project of connecting Los Angeles and Hong Kong with high-powered internet cable .The project will be associated with China Soft Power Holdings. The PLCN (Pacific Light Cable Network) will be stretching 12,800 km passing underneath the Pacific Ocean.

The transmitting power of the PLCN is expected to be 120 terabytes of data per second. As a result to this, it will be capable to transmit 80 million HD video conference calls at same time between Los Angeles and Honk Kong Stated by Brian Quigley, Google network infrastructure director.

“PLCN will be among the lowest- latency fiber optic routes between Hong Kong and the US and the first to connect directly using ultra-high-capacity transmission,” PLDC chairman Wei Junkang said.

And under the Google ownership PLCN will be the sixth marine cable .Google claimed to have “the largest backbone of any public cloud provider”.

Respective to this, Microsoft and Facebook teamed together earlier this year to rest a high-speed Internet cable across the bottom of Atlantic Ocean.

“It is certainly gratifying that global technology companies like Google and Facebook have become co-investors in PLCN.”

Most Pacific subsea cables stretch from the US to Japan, according to Facebook vice president of network engineering Najam Ahmad.

“As the number of people using Facebook apps and services keep on to raise in the region, PLCN will facilitate supplementary connect Asia and our data centers in the US,” Ahmad said.

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