Android has recently announced its newest mobile software platform update, releasing the fourth preview version of the operating system on Wednesday. While it still does not have an official name, they are calling it Android N so you can speculate over which “N-named” sweet or candy they might be naming it after. Right now, though, […]
Soon You Can Make Holographic 3D Video Calls With Your Android Phone
If you have been tracking the evolution of technology then you know that two things on the forefront are holographic technology and flexible screens. As we get closer and closer to wearable technology (that you don’t really wear), it appears that we are getting extremely close to the types of technology speculated in science […]
Android Devices Running on Qualcomm Chips have Full Disk Encryption Vulnerability
New data shows that hackers have been able to exploit certain vulnerabilities in Android devices employing chipsets made by Qualcomm. Research indicates that these vulnerabilities allow attackers to extract the encrypted keys that would normally protect user data, also letting the users runs brute-force attacks against the mobile user. Last week, security researcher Gal […]
FTC Continues To Android Antitrust Probe
The US Federal Trade Commission has recently met with several companies to look at mobile industry concerns that Alphabet Inc.’s Google has abused their dominance over Android devices. This now extends an existing probe which began last year, examining issues in Viagra for Healthy Male Online – Get Cheap Viagra for sale! the United States […]
Google Updates Maps and Earth Apps with More Detail and High Contrast Images
Even if you aren’t an Android mobile user, you are probably a Google Maps fan and if you have spent any amount of time admiring what Google has done with this project you have probably also moved on to explore Google’s other global imaging application: Google Earth. Well, one of the reasons Google Earth is […]
Android [Re] Releases Google Mobile Vision for Android Phones with Google Play Services 9.2
When Google released the Google Play Services v 9.2 update, it marked the triumphant return of something that many probably believe should never have disappeared in the first place. It was not even a year ago (August of 2015) that Google announced an application called Android Mobile Vision, an API which would allow developers to […]
Microsoft Office Suite For Android Update Should Satisfy Many Users
Microsoft is not a company to accept defeat but they will adapt when it is smarter to do so. The company has had its ups and downs, of course—as every company does—but the Windows developer was a bit late to the mobile industry and the market has pretty much already chosen sides. Indeed, the mobile […]
Google To Make First True In-House Android Devices
New reports indicate that Google is planning to release a branded Nexus device by the end of this year, 2016. You might be quick to assume that the tech giant has chosen to do this to compete directly with Apple and its flagship iPhone device. And if you think that, you would be correct. But […]
Gmail Adds Microsoft Exchange Support with New Android Marshmallow Update
One of the most frustrating things about the technology we use everyday is that there are constant updates. It was slightly more than a decade ago that it seemed we were able to rein it in, a little, pacing technological growth along with social demand. We were able to, for example, adapt to hotmail when […]